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How to order?

-SMS @ Whatsapp your order to 013 3986129 (Zunita) with the below format:
        Full address with poscode:
        Product/ Code/ Quantity: --> eg: Cover Face/ 151/ 2

        Do you need our BUSINESS CARD? --> If you need our BUSINESS CARD, kindly state as well (eg: Biz/ Yes)​​



- Email your order to with the above format



​-PM in Facebook "Naturactor Collections" or "Naturactor Collections Page" with the above format.



2) Elegance Cosmetics (EC) will confirm your order by sending you an email/notification.


3)​​​​​​​​​​ After payment is successfully been made, please inform EC; if you use online banking, cc your transaction to EC email, or if you use ATM machine, please attach your transaction resit. Failure to do so may cause difficulty to confirm your payment.



4) ​​​​​​​​​​When your payment has been received, I will verify and inform you back. I will update the tracking number on facebook/blog once the parcel has been sent.



5)​​​​​​​​​​ When you do your payment, it means you agree with EC terms and conditions.

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